0 Table of Contents |
1 Home |
2 Home (en) |
3 Architektur |
4 Architecture |
5 Dateiformate |
6 File Formats |
7 Quickstart (de) |
8 Quickstart (en) |
9 Setup (de) |
10 Setup (en) |
11 Support (de) |
12 Support (en) |
13 Technische Dokumentation |
14 Technical Documentation |
15 UI Features (de) |
16 UI Features (en) |
17 Wie man TerminoloGit verwendet |
18 How to use TerminoloGit |
19 Artifacts Summary |
19.1 APPC_Anatomie |
19.2 APPC_Lateralitaet |
19.3 APPC_Modalitaet |
19.4 APPC_Prozeduren |
19.5 atcdabbr-LateralityQualifiercode |
19.6 atcdabbr_NoInformationQualifier |
19.7 Austrian Designation Use |
19.8 DGC_Country |
19.9 DGC_DiseaseOrAgent |
19.10 DGC_Doses |
19.11 DGC_MedicinalProduct |
19.12 DGC_RATNameManufacturer |
19.13 DGC_ResultOfTheTest |
19.14 DGC_TypeofTest |
19.15 DGC_Vaccine |
19.16 DGC_VaccineMarketingAuthorizationHolder |
19.17 DICOM_SOPClasses |
19.18 eHDSI-Administrative-Gender |
19.19 eHDSI-Country |
19.20 eHDSI-DoseForm |
19.21 eHDSI-HealthcareProfessionalRole |
19.22 eHDSI-Package |
19.23 eHDSI-Quantity-Unit |
19.24 eHDSI-Route-of-Administration |
19.25 eHDSI-Substance |
19.26 eHDSI-Telecom-Address |
19.27 eHDSI-Timing-Event |
19.28 eHDSI-Unit |
19.29 eHDSI_ActiveIngredient |
19.30 eHDSI_ActSubstanceAdministrationCode |
19.31 EHDSI_Confidentiality |
19.32 EHDSI_Language |
19.33 eImpf_Antikoerperbestimmung |
19.34 eImpf_HistorischeImpfstoffe |
19.35 eImpf_ImmunizationTarget |
19.36 eImpf_Impfdosis |
19.37 eImpf_Impfgrund |
19.38 eImpf_ImpfrelevanteErkrankung |
19.39 eImpf_Impfrollen |
19.40 eImpf_Impfschema |
19.41 eImpf_Impfstoffe |
19.42 eImpf_KostenfreiesImpfprogramm |
19.43 eImpf_Mengenart |
19.44 eImpf_SpecialCaseVaccination |
19.45 eImpf_SpecialSituationIndication |
19.46 eImpf_Zusatzklassifikation |
19.47 eImpf_Zusatzklassifikation_Impfprogramm |
19.48 eImpf_Zusatzklassifikation_Impfsetting |
19.49 ELGA Lebensmittelallergene |
19.50 ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownAllergies |
19.51 ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownDevices |
19.52 ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownMedication |
19.53 ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownProblems |
19.54 ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownProcedures |
19.55 ELGA_ActCode_AbgInfo |
19.56 ELGA_ActCode_PatInfo |
19.57 ELGA_ActEncounterCode |
19.58 ELGA_AddressUse |
19.59 ELGA_AdministrativeGender |
19.60 ELGA_AlcoholConsumption |
19.61 ELGA_AllergieTyp |
19.62 ELGA_AllergyOrIntoleranceAgent |
19.63 ELGA_AllergyOrIntoleranceType |
19.64 ELGA_AllergyReaction |
19.65 ELGA_AllergyStatusCode |
19.66 ELGA_AnamneseLaborMikrobiologie |
19.67 ELGA_Antibiogramm |
19.68 ELGA_ArtderDiagnose |
19.69 ELGA_AuditEventID |
19.70 ELGA_AuditEventType |
19.71 ELGA_AuditEventType_A-ARR |
19.72 ELGA_AuditParticipantObjectIdType |
19.73 ELGA_AuditParticipantObjectType |
19.74 ELGA_AuditParticipantObjectTypeRole |
19.75 ELGA_AuditRoleID |
19.76 ELGA_AuditSourceType |
19.77 ELGA_AuthorSpeciality |
19.78 ELGA_ConditionStatusCode |
19.79 ELGA_ConditionVerificationStatus |
19.80 ELGA_Confidentiality |
19.81 ELGA_CriticalityObservationValue |
19.82 ELGA_CurrentSmokingStatus |
19.83 ELGA_Diagnosesicherheit |
19.84 ELGA_Dokumentenklassen |
19.85 ELGA_Dosisparameter |
19.86 ELGA_Einnahmezeitpunkte |
19.87 ELGA_EntityNamePartQualifier |
19.88 ELGA_EntityNameUse |
19.89 ELGA_EntlassungsmanagementA |
19.90 ELGA_ExpectedDeliveryDateMethod |
19.91 ELGA_FormatCode |
19.92 ELGA_FormatCodeZusatz |
19.93 ELGA_HealthcareFacilityTypeCode |
19.94 ELGA_HumanActSite |
19.95 ELGA_HumanLanguage |
19.96 ELGA_InformationRecipientType |
19.97 ELGA_InsuredAssocEntity |
19.98 ELGA_KulturErregernachweis |
19.99 ELGA_Laborparameter |
19.100 ELGA_Laborstruktur |
19.101 ELGA_Laendercodes |
19.102 ELGA_LanguageAbilityMode |
19.103 ELGA_LanguageCode |
19.104 ELGA_MammogramAssessment |
19.105 ELGA_MaritalStatus |
19.106 ELGA_MedicalDevices |
19.107 ELGA_Medientyp |
19.108 ELGA_MedikationAbgabeArt |
19.109 ELGA_MedikationArtAnwendung |
19.110 ELGA_MedikationDarreichungsform |
19.111 ELGA_MedikationFrequenz |
19.112 ELGA_MedikationMengenart |
19.113 ELGA_MedikationMengenartAlternativ |
19.114 ELGA_MedikationPharmazeutischeEmpfehlungStatus |
19.115 ELGA_MedikationRezeptart |
19.116 ELGA_MedikationRezeptpflichtstatus |
19.117 ELGA_MedikationTherapieArt |
19.118 ELGA_Mikroorganismen |
19.119 ELGA_NachweisErgebnis |
19.120 ELGA_NoInformation |
19.121 ELGA_NullFlavor |
19.122 ELGA_ObservationInterpretation |
19.123 ELGA_ParticipationFunctionCode |
19.124 ELGA_PersonalRelationship |
19.125 ELGA_PracticeSetting |
19.126 ELGA_PregnanciesSummary |
19.127 ELGA_PregnancyStatus |
19.128 ELGA_Probenmaterial |
19.129 ELGA_Problemarten |
19.130 ELGA_Problemkataloge |
19.131 ELGA_ProblemSeverity |
19.132 ELGA_ProblemStatusCode |
19.133 ELGA_ProcedureApproachSite |
19.134 ELGA_ProficiencyLevelCode |
19.135 ELGA_Radiopharmaceuticals |
19.136 ELGA_RealmCode |
19.137 ELGA_ReligiousAffiliation |
19.138 ELGA_RoleClass |
19.139 ELGA_Rollen |
19.140 ELGA_SectionsEntlassungAerztl |
19.141 ELGA_SectionsEntlassungPflege |
19.142 ELGA_SectionsPflegeSitber |
19.143 ELGA_SectionsRadiologie |
19.144 ELGA_SectionsServiceEvents |
19.145 ELGA_Seitenlokalisation |
19.146 ELGA_ServiceEventPerformer |
19.147 ELGA_ServiceEventsEntlassbr |
19.148 ELGA_ServiceEventsLabor |
19.149 ELGA_ServiceEventsTelemonEpi |
19.150 ELGA_SignificantPathogens |
19.151 ELGA_SpecimenType |
19.152 ELGA_TargetSite |
19.153 ELGA_TelecomAddressUse |
19.154 ELGA_TopographicalModifierQualifier |
19.155 ELGA_TypeOfProblem |
19.156 ELGA_URLScheme |
19.157 ELGA_Vitalparameterarten |
19.158 ELGA_Wirkstoffe_AGES |
19.159 EMS_Anti-HCV-Immunoassay |
19.160 EMS_Anti-HCV-Immunoblot_Assay |
19.161 EMS_Betreuung |
19.162 EMS_HBV_Status |
19.163 EMS_HCV_core_Ag_Assay |
19.164 EMS_Hospitalisierung |
19.165 EMS_Impfstatus |
19.166 EMS_KlinischeManifestation |
19.167 EMS_Krankheitsmerkmale |
19.168 EMS_LebensmittelbedingteIntoxikationen |
19.169 EMS_MaterialMethode |
19.170 EMS_Meldepflichtige_Krankheiten |
19.171 EMS_Reiseland |
19.172 EMS_Taetigkeitsbereich |
19.173 EntityCode |
19.174 HL7-at_ActConsentType |
19.175 HL7-at_AdministrativeGender-FHIR-Extension |
19.176 HL7-at_AdministrativeGender-v2 |
19.177 HL7-at_OrganizationType |
19.178 HL7-at_PatientIdentifier |
19.179 HL7-at_PractitionerRole |
19.180 HL7-at_XDS-Dokumentenklassen |
19.181 langid-at |
19.182 LKF_Diagnose-Art |
19.183 LKF_Diagnose-statAuf |
19.184 LKF_Diagnose-Typ |
19.185 Orphanet_Rare Diseases |
19.186 ParticipationType |
19.187 RADS_BreastImaging |
19.188 RADS_CoronaryArteryDisease |
19.189 RADS_DiagnosticImagingScales |
19.190 RADS_LiverImaging |
19.191 RADS_ProstateImaging |
19.192 RADS_ThyroidImaging |
19.193 RouteOfAdministration |
19.194 SNOMED_Rare Diseases |
19.195 TargetAwareness |
19.196 Zeiteinheiten |
19.197 APPC_Anatomie |
19.198 APPC_Lateralitaet |
19.199 APPC_Modalitaet |
19.200 APPC_Prozeduren |
19.201 ASP-Liste |
19.202 ATC deutsch (WIdO) |
19.203 Austrian Designation Use |
19.204 BMG Leistungskatalog Gesamt 2023 |
19.205 BMG Leistungskatalog Gesamt 2024 |
19.206 DCM |
19.207 DGC_Antibody-Test |
19.208 DGC_QR |
19.209 DGC_RATNameManufacturer |
19.210 DICOM_SOPClasses |
19.211 eHDSI-Substance |
19.212 eHDSI_EDQM_Auszug |
19.213 EHDSI_Language |
19.214 eImpf_Ergaenzung |
19.215 eImpf_HistorischeImpfstoffe |
19.216 eImpf_Impfstoffe |
19.217 eImpf_Schemamatrix |
19.218 eImpf_Zuordnungsmatrix |
19.219 ELGA-Lebensmittelallergene |
19.220 ELGA_ActCode |
19.221 ELGA_AllergieTyp |
19.222 ELGA_AuditEventID |
19.223 ELGA_AuditEventType |
19.224 ELGA_AuditEventTypeA-ARR |
19.225 ELGA_AuditParticipantObjectIdType |
19.226 ELGA_AuditParticipantObjectType |
19.227 ELGA_AuditParticipantObjectTypeRole |
19.228 ELGA_AuditSourceType |
19.229 ELGA_e-Health_Anwendungen |
19.230 ELGA_EntlassungsmanagementArt |
19.231 ELGA_Ergaenzungsliste |
19.232 ELGA_Fachaerzte |
19.233 ELGA_FormatCode |
19.234 ELGA_FormatCodeZusatz |
19.235 ELGA_Funktionsrollen |
19.236 ELGA_GDA_Aggregatrollen |
19.237 ELGA_GTelVoGDARollen |
19.238 ELGA_Kontakttypen |
19.239 ELGA_LaborparameterErgaenzung |
19.240 ELGA_MammogramAssessment |
19.241 ELGA_MedikationMengenartAlternativ |
19.242 ELGA_Patienten-Identifizierungsmethoden |
19.243 ELGA_Pflegestufen |
19.244 ELGA_PracticeSetting |
19.245 ELGA_Sections |
19.246 ELGA_ServiceEventsEntlassbrief |
19.247 ELGA_SignificantPathogens |
19.248 ELGA_SpecimenType_Ergaenzung |
19.249 ELGA_URLSchemeErgaenzung |
19.250 EMS_Analysedetails |
19.251 EMS_AntigenH |
19.252 EMS_AntigenO |
19.253 EMS_ArtMalaria |
19.254 EMS_ArtQuartier |
19.255 EMS_Aviditaet |
19.256 EMS_Befundart |
19.257 EMS_Betreuung |
19.258 EMS_Biotyp_Biovar |
19.259 EMS_Durchgefuehrt |
19.260 EMS_ErgaenzungMeldepflichtigeKrankheiten |
19.261 EMS_Ergebnis |
19.262 EMS_Genogruppe |
19.263 EMS_Genotyp |
19.264 EMS_GenotypPorA_R1 |
19.265 EMS_GenotypPorA_R2 |
19.266 EMS_Gewinnung |
19.267 EMS_HCV_RNA |
19.268 EMS_JaNein |
19.269 EMS_KlinischeManifestation |
19.270 EMS_Krankheitsmerkmale |
19.271 EMS_ListeSchulen |
19.272 EMS_Material |
19.273 EMS_MaterialMethode |
19.274 EMS_Methoden |
19.275 EMS_MonoclonalSub |
19.276 EMS_MultiLocSequ |
19.277 EMS_Nachweis |
19.278 EMS_Nachweisbar |
19.279 EMS_Organ |
19.280 EMS_OrtH20Probe |
19.281 EMS_Parameter |
19.282 EMS_Phagentyp |
19.283 EMS_Phagentyp_VTEC |
19.284 EMS_PosNeg |
19.285 EMS_Quartiercode |
19.286 EMS_Reiseland |
19.287 EMS_Ribotype |
19.288 EMS_Serogruppe |
19.289 EMS_Serotyp |
19.290 EMS_Serotyp_Gene_FetA |
19.291 EMS_TBC_ResistenzErgaenzung |
19.292 EMS_TBC_Resultat |
19.293 EMS_TBC_Typ |
19.294 EMS_TestMethodeMIC_IPD |
19.295 EMS_TestMethodeTypingIPD |
19.296 EMS_Verotoxin_1_Subtyp |
19.297 EMS_Verotoxin_2_Subtyp |
19.298 EMS_WoWurdeKrankheitErworben |
19.299 EMS_WurdeKrankheitImportiert |
19.300 EMS_YersinaPathogen |
19.301 EXNDS_Concepts |
19.302 EXNDS_FormatCodes |
19.303 EXNDS_Metadaten |
19.304 EXNDS_Sections |
19.305 GDA-Org |
19.306 GDA_Attribute |
19.307 Geschlechtercodes - ISO IEC 5218 |
19.308 HL7 Act Code |
19.309 HL7 Act Site |
19.310 HL7 ActStatus |
19.311 HL7 Address Use |
19.312 HL7 Administrative Gender |
19.313 HL7 Administrative Sex |
19.314 HL7 AT FormatCodes |
19.315 HL7 AT ReligionAustria |
19.316 HL7 Confidentiality Code |
19.317 HL7 Consent Mode |
19.318 HL7 Consent Status |
19.319 HL7 Consent Type |
19.320 HL7 Entity Name Part Qualifier |
19.321 HL7 Entity Name Use |
19.322 HL7 Konformitaet |
19.323 HL7 Language Identification |
19.324 HL7 LanguageAbilityMode |
19.325 HL7 Marital Status |
19.326 HL7 Null Flavor |
19.327 HL7 Observation Interpretation |
19.328 HL7 Participation Function |
19.329 HL7 Participation Type |
19.330 HL7 ProficiencyLevelCode |
19.331 HL7 Role Class |
19.332 HL7 Role Code |
19.333 HL7 Signatory's Relationship to Subject |
19.334 HL7 Specimen Type |
19.335 HL7 Timing Event |
19.336 HL7 URLScheme |
19.337 HL7-at_AdministrativeGender-Ergaenzung |
19.338 HL7-at_MaritalStatus-Ergaenzung |
19.339 IANA Mime Type |
19.340 ICD-10 BMG 2014 |
19.341 ICD-10 BMG 2017 |
19.342 ICD-10 BMG 2020 |
19.343 ICD-10 BMSGPK 2022 |
19.344 ICD-10 BMSGPK 2024+ |
19.345 ICD-O-3 |
19.346 ICF |
19.347 ICPC2 |
19.348 IHE Pharmaceutical Advice Status List |
19.349 IPS_AbsentOrUnknownData |
19.350 IPS_ConditionClinicalStatusCodes |
19.351 IPS_ConditionVerificationStatus |
19.352 ISCO |
19.353 ISO 3166 Alpha-2-Code |
19.354 ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 |
19.355 ISO 639-2 |
19.356 Leistungskatalog Ambulant |
19.357 Leistungskatalog Gesamt |
19.358 Leistungskatalog Stationaer |
19.359 LKF_Diagnose-Art |
19.360 LKF_Diagnose-statAuf |
19.361 LKF_Diagnose-Typ |
19.362 LKF_Ergaenzung |
19.363 MDC_MedicalDeviceCommunications |
19.364 MedikationRezeptart |
19.365 MedikationTherapieart |
19.366 Medikation_ActiveIngredient |
19.367 Medikation_AGES_Wirkstoffe |
19.368 Medikation_Art_Anwendung |
19.369 Medikation_Darreichungsform |
19.370 Medikation_Packaging |
19.371 Medikation_Rezeptpflichtstatus |
19.372 OEAEK_Additivfach |
19.373 OEAEK_Berechtigungen |
19.374 OEAEK_Fachrichtung |
19.375 OEAEK_Spezialdiplom |
19.376 OEAEK_Spezialisierung |
19.377 OEAEK_Zertifikate |
19.378 RAST-Klassen |
19.379 Sciphox Diagnosenzusatz |
19.380 Sciphox_Seitenlokalisation |
19.381 SNOMED CT (Auszug) |
19.382 UCUM |
19.383 eImpf_Impfstoffe-Impfprogramm-Mapping |
19.384 ELGA Lebensmittelallergene Mapping |
19.385 SNOMED Orphanet Mapping |