Österreichischer e-Health-Terminologie-Browser
2.7.0+20240404 - TerminoloGit

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Home (en)
... 3 Architektur
... 4 Architecture
... 5 Dateiformate
... 6 File Formats
... 7 Quickstart (de)
... 8 Quickstart (en)
... 9 Setup (de)
... 10 Setup (en)
... 11 Support (de)
... 12 Support (en)
... 13 Technische Dokumentation
... 14 Technical Documentation
... 15 UI Features (de)
... 16 UI Features (en)
... 17 Wie man TerminoloGit verwendet
... 18 How to use TerminoloGit
... 19 Artifacts Summary
.... 19.1 APPC_Anatomie
.... 19.2 APPC_Lateralitaet
.... 19.3 APPC_Modalitaet
.... 19.4 APPC_Prozeduren
.... 19.5 atcdabbr-LateralityQualifiercode
.... 19.6 atcdabbr_NoInformationQualifier
.... 19.7 Austrian Designation Use
.... 19.8 DGC_Country
.... 19.9 DGC_DiseaseOrAgent
.... 19.10 DGC_Doses
.... 19.11 DGC_MedicinalProduct
.... 19.12 DGC_RATNameManufacturer
.... 19.13 DGC_ResultOfTheTest
.... 19.14 DGC_TypeofTest
.... 19.15 DGC_Vaccine
.... 19.16 DGC_VaccineMarketingAuthorizationHolder
.... 19.17 DICOM_SOPClasses
.... 19.18 eHDSI-Administrative-Gender
.... 19.19 eHDSI-Country
.... 19.20 eHDSI-DoseForm
.... 19.21 eHDSI-HealthcareProfessionalRole
.... 19.22 eHDSI-Package
.... 19.23 eHDSI-Quantity-Unit
.... 19.24 eHDSI-Route-of-Administration
.... 19.25 eHDSI-Substance
.... 19.26 eHDSI-Telecom-Address
.... 19.27 eHDSI-Timing-Event
.... 19.28 eHDSI-Unit
.... 19.29 eHDSI_ActiveIngredient
.... 19.30 eHDSI_ActSubstanceAdministrationCode
.... 19.31 EHDSI_Confidentiality
.... 19.32 EHDSI_Language
.... 19.33 eImpf_Antikoerperbestimmung
.... 19.34 eImpf_HistorischeImpfstoffe
.... 19.35 eImpf_ImmunizationTarget
.... 19.36 eImpf_Impfdosis
.... 19.37 eImpf_Impfgrund
.... 19.38 eImpf_ImpfrelevanteErkrankung
.... 19.39 eImpf_Impfrollen
.... 19.40 eImpf_Impfschema
.... 19.41 eImpf_Impfstoffe
.... 19.42 eImpf_KostenfreiesImpfprogramm
.... 19.43 eImpf_Mengenart
.... 19.44 eImpf_SpecialCaseVaccination
.... 19.45 eImpf_SpecialSituationIndication
.... 19.46 eImpf_Zusatzklassifikation
.... 19.47 eImpf_Zusatzklassifikation_Impfprogramm
.... 19.48 eImpf_Zusatzklassifikation_Impfsetting
.... 19.49 ELGA Lebensmittelallergene
.... 19.50 ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownAllergies
.... 19.51 ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownDevices
.... 19.52 ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownMedication
.... 19.53 ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownProblems
.... 19.54 ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownProcedures
.... 19.55 ELGA_ActCode_AbgInfo
.... 19.56 ELGA_ActCode_PatInfo
.... 19.57 ELGA_ActEncounterCode
.... 19.58 ELGA_AddressUse
.... 19.59 ELGA_AdministrativeGender
.... 19.60 ELGA_AlcoholConsumption
.... 19.61 ELGA_AllergieTyp
.... 19.62 ELGA_AllergyOrIntoleranceAgent
.... 19.63 ELGA_AllergyOrIntoleranceType
.... 19.64 ELGA_AllergyReaction
.... 19.65 ELGA_AllergyStatusCode
.... 19.66 ELGA_AnamneseLaborMikrobiologie
.... 19.67 ELGA_Antibiogramm
.... 19.68 ELGA_ArtderDiagnose
.... 19.69 ELGA_AuditEventID
.... 19.70 ELGA_AuditEventType
.... 19.71 ELGA_AuditEventType_A-ARR
.... 19.72 ELGA_AuditParticipantObjectIdType
.... 19.73 ELGA_AuditParticipantObjectType
.... 19.74 ELGA_AuditParticipantObjectTypeRole
.... 19.75 ELGA_AuditRoleID
.... 19.76 ELGA_AuditSourceType
.... 19.77 ELGA_AuthorSpeciality
.... 19.78 ELGA_ConditionStatusCode
.... 19.79 ELGA_ConditionVerificationStatus
.... 19.80 ELGA_Confidentiality
.... 19.81 ELGA_CriticalityObservationValue
.... 19.82 ELGA_CurrentSmokingStatus
.... 19.83 ELGA_Diagnosesicherheit
.... 19.84 ELGA_Dokumentenklassen
.... 19.85 ELGA_Dosisparameter
.... 19.86 ELGA_Einnahmezeitpunkte
.... 19.87 ELGA_EntityNamePartQualifier
.... 19.88 ELGA_EntityNameUse
.... 19.89 ELGA_EntlassungsmanagementA
.... 19.90 ELGA_ExpectedDeliveryDateMethod
.... 19.91 ELGA_FormatCode
.... 19.92 ELGA_FormatCodeZusatz
.... 19.93 ELGA_HealthcareFacilityTypeCode
.... 19.94 ELGA_HumanActSite
.... 19.95 ELGA_HumanLanguage
.... 19.96 ELGA_InformationRecipientType
.... 19.97 ELGA_InsuredAssocEntity
.... 19.98 ELGA_KulturErregernachweis
.... 19.99 ELGA_Laborparameter
.... 19.100 ELGA_Laborstruktur
.... 19.101 ELGA_Laendercodes
.... 19.102 ELGA_LanguageAbilityMode
.... 19.103 ELGA_LanguageCode
.... 19.104 ELGA_MammogramAssessment
.... 19.105 ELGA_MaritalStatus
.... 19.106 ELGA_MedicalDevices
.... 19.107 ELGA_Medientyp
.... 19.108 ELGA_MedikationAbgabeArt
.... 19.109 ELGA_MedikationArtAnwendung
.... 19.110 ELGA_MedikationDarreichungsform
.... 19.111 ELGA_MedikationFrequenz
.... 19.112 ELGA_MedikationMengenart
.... 19.113 ELGA_MedikationMengenartAlternativ
.... 19.114 ELGA_MedikationPharmazeutischeEmpfehlungStatus
.... 19.115 ELGA_MedikationRezeptart
.... 19.116 ELGA_MedikationRezeptpflichtstatus
.... 19.117 ELGA_MedikationTherapieArt
.... 19.118 ELGA_Mikroorganismen
.... 19.119 ELGA_NachweisErgebnis
.... 19.120 ELGA_NoInformation
.... 19.121 ELGA_NullFlavor
.... 19.122 ELGA_ObservationInterpretation
.... 19.123 ELGA_ParticipationFunctionCode
.... 19.124 ELGA_PersonalRelationship
.... 19.125 ELGA_PracticeSetting
.... 19.126 ELGA_PregnanciesSummary
.... 19.127 ELGA_PregnancyStatus
.... 19.128 ELGA_Probenmaterial
.... 19.129 ELGA_Problemarten
.... 19.130 ELGA_Problemkataloge
.... 19.131 ELGA_ProblemSeverity
.... 19.132 ELGA_ProblemStatusCode
.... 19.133 ELGA_ProcedureApproachSite
.... 19.134 ELGA_ProficiencyLevelCode
.... 19.135 ELGA_Radiopharmaceuticals
.... 19.136 ELGA_RealmCode
.... 19.137 ELGA_ReligiousAffiliation
.... 19.138 ELGA_RoleClass
.... 19.139 ELGA_Rollen
.... 19.140 ELGA_SectionsEntlassungAerztl
.... 19.141 ELGA_SectionsEntlassungPflege
.... 19.142 ELGA_SectionsPflegeSitber
.... 19.143 ELGA_SectionsRadiologie
.... 19.144 ELGA_SectionsServiceEvents
.... 19.145 ELGA_Seitenlokalisation
.... 19.146 ELGA_ServiceEventPerformer
.... 19.147 ELGA_ServiceEventsEntlassbr
.... 19.148 ELGA_ServiceEventsLabor
.... 19.149 ELGA_ServiceEventsTelemonEpi
.... 19.150 ELGA_SignificantPathogens
.... 19.151 ELGA_SpecimenType
.... 19.152 ELGA_TargetSite
.... 19.153 ELGA_TelecomAddressUse
.... 19.154 ELGA_TopographicalModifierQualifier
.... 19.155 ELGA_TypeOfProblem
.... 19.156 ELGA_URLScheme
.... 19.157 ELGA_Vitalparameterarten
.... 19.158 ELGA_Wirkstoffe_AGES
.... 19.159 EMS_Anti-HCV-Immunoassay
.... 19.160 EMS_Anti-HCV-Immunoblot_Assay
.... 19.161 EMS_Betreuung
.... 19.162 EMS_HBV_Status
.... 19.163 EMS_HCV_core_Ag_Assay
.... 19.164 EMS_Hospitalisierung
.... 19.165 EMS_Impfstatus
.... 19.166 EMS_KlinischeManifestation
.... 19.167 EMS_Krankheitsmerkmale
.... 19.168 EMS_LebensmittelbedingteIntoxikationen
.... 19.169 EMS_MaterialMethode
.... 19.170 EMS_Meldepflichtige_Krankheiten
.... 19.171 EMS_Reiseland
.... 19.172 EMS_Taetigkeitsbereich
.... 19.173 EntityCode
.... 19.174 HL7-at_ActConsentType
.... 19.175 HL7-at_AdministrativeGender-FHIR-Extension
.... 19.176 HL7-at_AdministrativeGender-v2
.... 19.177 HL7-at_OrganizationType
.... 19.178 HL7-at_PatientIdentifier
.... 19.179 HL7-at_PractitionerRole
.... 19.180 HL7-at_XDS-Dokumentenklassen
.... 19.181 langid-at
.... 19.182 LKF_Diagnose-Art
.... 19.183 LKF_Diagnose-statAuf
.... 19.184 LKF_Diagnose-Typ
.... 19.185 Orphanet_Rare Diseases
.... 19.186 ParticipationType
.... 19.187 RADS_BreastImaging
.... 19.188 RADS_CoronaryArteryDisease
.... 19.189 RADS_DiagnosticImagingScales
.... 19.190 RADS_LiverImaging
.... 19.191 RADS_ProstateImaging
.... 19.192 RADS_ThyroidImaging
.... 19.193 RouteOfAdministration
.... 19.194 SNOMED_Rare Diseases
.... 19.195 TargetAwareness
.... 19.196 Zeiteinheiten
.... 19.197 APPC_Anatomie
.... 19.198 APPC_Lateralitaet
.... 19.199 APPC_Modalitaet
.... 19.200 APPC_Prozeduren
.... 19.201 ASP-Liste
.... 19.202 ATC deutsch (WIdO)
.... 19.203 Austrian Designation Use
.... 19.204 BMG Leistungskatalog Gesamt 2023
.... 19.205 BMG Leistungskatalog Gesamt 2024
.... 19.206 DCM
.... 19.207 DGC_Antibody-Test
.... 19.208 DGC_QR
.... 19.209 DGC_RATNameManufacturer
.... 19.210 DICOM_SOPClasses
.... 19.211 eHDSI-Substance
.... 19.212 eHDSI_EDQM_Auszug
.... 19.213 EHDSI_Language
.... 19.214 eImpf_Ergaenzung
.... 19.215 eImpf_HistorischeImpfstoffe
.... 19.216 eImpf_Impfstoffe
.... 19.217 eImpf_Schemamatrix
.... 19.218 eImpf_Zuordnungsmatrix
.... 19.219 ELGA-Lebensmittelallergene
.... 19.220 ELGA_ActCode
.... 19.221 ELGA_AllergieTyp
.... 19.222 ELGA_AuditEventID
.... 19.223 ELGA_AuditEventType
.... 19.224 ELGA_AuditEventTypeA-ARR
.... 19.225 ELGA_AuditParticipantObjectIdType
.... 19.226 ELGA_AuditParticipantObjectType
.... 19.227 ELGA_AuditParticipantObjectTypeRole
.... 19.228 ELGA_AuditSourceType
.... 19.229 ELGA_e-Health_Anwendungen
.... 19.230 ELGA_EntlassungsmanagementArt
.... 19.231 ELGA_Ergaenzungsliste
.... 19.232 ELGA_Fachaerzte
.... 19.233 ELGA_FormatCode
.... 19.234 ELGA_FormatCodeZusatz
.... 19.235 ELGA_Funktionsrollen
.... 19.236 ELGA_GDA_Aggregatrollen
.... 19.237 ELGA_GTelVoGDARollen
.... 19.238 ELGA_Kontakttypen
.... 19.239 ELGA_LaborparameterErgaenzung
.... 19.240 ELGA_MammogramAssessment
.... 19.241 ELGA_MedikationMengenartAlternativ
.... 19.242 ELGA_Patienten-Identifizierungsmethoden
.... 19.243 ELGA_Pflegestufen
.... 19.244 ELGA_PracticeSetting
.... 19.245 ELGA_Sections
.... 19.246 ELGA_ServiceEventsEntlassbrief
.... 19.247 ELGA_SignificantPathogens
.... 19.248 ELGA_SpecimenType_Ergaenzung
.... 19.249 ELGA_URLSchemeErgaenzung
.... 19.250 EMS_Analysedetails
.... 19.251 EMS_AntigenH
.... 19.252 EMS_AntigenO
.... 19.253 EMS_ArtMalaria
.... 19.254 EMS_ArtQuartier
.... 19.255 EMS_Aviditaet
.... 19.256 EMS_Befundart
.... 19.257 EMS_Betreuung
.... 19.258 EMS_Biotyp_Biovar
.... 19.259 EMS_Durchgefuehrt
.... 19.260 EMS_ErgaenzungMeldepflichtigeKrankheiten
.... 19.261 EMS_Ergebnis
.... 19.262 EMS_Genogruppe
.... 19.263 EMS_Genotyp
.... 19.264 EMS_GenotypPorA_R1
.... 19.265 EMS_GenotypPorA_R2
.... 19.266 EMS_Gewinnung
.... 19.267 EMS_HCV_RNA
.... 19.268 EMS_JaNein
.... 19.269 EMS_KlinischeManifestation
.... 19.270 EMS_Krankheitsmerkmale
.... 19.271 EMS_ListeSchulen
.... 19.272 EMS_Material
.... 19.273 EMS_MaterialMethode
.... 19.274 EMS_Methoden
.... 19.275 EMS_MonoclonalSub
.... 19.276 EMS_MultiLocSequ
.... 19.277 EMS_Nachweis
.... 19.278 EMS_Nachweisbar
.... 19.279 EMS_Organ
.... 19.280 EMS_OrtH20Probe
.... 19.281 EMS_Parameter
.... 19.282 EMS_Phagentyp
.... 19.283 EMS_Phagentyp_VTEC
.... 19.284 EMS_PosNeg
.... 19.285 EMS_Quartiercode
.... 19.286 EMS_Reiseland
.... 19.287 EMS_Ribotype
.... 19.288 EMS_Serogruppe
.... 19.289 EMS_Serotyp
.... 19.290 EMS_Serotyp_Gene_FetA
.... 19.291 EMS_TBC_ResistenzErgaenzung
.... 19.292 EMS_TBC_Resultat
.... 19.293 EMS_TBC_Typ
.... 19.294 EMS_TestMethodeMIC_IPD
.... 19.295 EMS_TestMethodeTypingIPD
.... 19.296 EMS_Verotoxin_1_Subtyp
.... 19.297 EMS_Verotoxin_2_Subtyp
.... 19.298 EMS_WoWurdeKrankheitErworben
.... 19.299 EMS_WurdeKrankheitImportiert
.... 19.300 EMS_YersinaPathogen
.... 19.301 EXNDS_Concepts
.... 19.302 EXNDS_FormatCodes
.... 19.303 EXNDS_Metadaten
.... 19.304 EXNDS_Sections
.... 19.305 GDA-Org
.... 19.306 GDA_Attribute
.... 19.307 Geschlechtercodes - ISO IEC 5218
.... 19.308 HL7 Act Code
.... 19.309 HL7 Act Site
.... 19.310 HL7 ActStatus
.... 19.311 HL7 Address Use
.... 19.312 HL7 Administrative Gender
.... 19.313 HL7 Administrative Sex
.... 19.314 HL7 AT FormatCodes
.... 19.315 HL7 AT ReligionAustria
.... 19.316 HL7 Confidentiality Code
.... 19.317 HL7 Consent Mode
.... 19.318 HL7 Consent Status
.... 19.319 HL7 Consent Type
.... 19.320 HL7 Entity Name Part Qualifier
.... 19.321 HL7 Entity Name Use
.... 19.322 HL7 Konformitaet
.... 19.323 HL7 Language Identification
.... 19.324 HL7 LanguageAbilityMode
.... 19.325 HL7 Marital Status
.... 19.326 HL7 Null Flavor
.... 19.327 HL7 Observation Interpretation
.... 19.328 HL7 Participation Function
.... 19.329 HL7 Participation Type
.... 19.330 HL7 ProficiencyLevelCode
.... 19.331 HL7 Role Class
.... 19.332 HL7 Role Code
.... 19.333 HL7 Signatory's Relationship to Subject
.... 19.334 HL7 Specimen Type
.... 19.335 HL7 Timing Event
.... 19.336 HL7 URLScheme
.... 19.337 HL7-at_AdministrativeGender-Ergaenzung
.... 19.338 HL7-at_MaritalStatus-Ergaenzung
.... 19.339 IANA Mime Type
.... 19.340 ICD-10 BMG 2014
.... 19.341 ICD-10 BMG 2017
.... 19.342 ICD-10 BMG 2020
.... 19.343 ICD-10 BMSGPK 2022
.... 19.344 ICD-10 BMSGPK 2024+
.... 19.345 ICD-O-3
.... 19.346 ICF
.... 19.347 ICPC2
.... 19.348 IHE Pharmaceutical Advice Status List
.... 19.349 IPS_AbsentOrUnknownData
.... 19.350 IPS_ConditionClinicalStatusCodes
.... 19.351 IPS_ConditionVerificationStatus
.... 19.352 ISCO
.... 19.353 ISO 3166 Alpha-2-Code
.... 19.354 ISO 3166-1 alpha 3
.... 19.355 ISO 639-2
.... 19.356 Leistungskatalog Ambulant
.... 19.357 Leistungskatalog Gesamt
.... 19.358 Leistungskatalog Stationaer
.... 19.359 LKF_Diagnose-Art
.... 19.360 LKF_Diagnose-statAuf
.... 19.361 LKF_Diagnose-Typ
.... 19.362 LKF_Ergaenzung
.... 19.363 MDC_MedicalDeviceCommunications
.... 19.364 MedikationRezeptart
.... 19.365 MedikationTherapieart
.... 19.366 Medikation_ActiveIngredient
.... 19.367 Medikation_AGES_Wirkstoffe
.... 19.368 Medikation_Art_Anwendung
.... 19.369 Medikation_Darreichungsform
.... 19.370 Medikation_Packaging
.... 19.371 Medikation_Rezeptpflichtstatus
.... 19.372 OEAEK_Additivfach
.... 19.373 OEAEK_Berechtigungen
.... 19.374 OEAEK_Fachrichtung
.... 19.375 OEAEK_Spezialdiplom
.... 19.376 OEAEK_Spezialisierung
.... 19.377 OEAEK_Zertifikate
.... 19.378 RAST-Klassen
.... 19.379 Sciphox Diagnosenzusatz
.... 19.380 Sciphox_Seitenlokalisation
.... 19.381 SNOMED CT (Auszug)
.... 19.382 UCUM
.... 19.383 eImpf_Impfstoffe-Impfprogramm-Mapping
.... 19.384 ELGA Lebensmittelallergene Mapping
.... 19.385 SNOMED Orphanet Mapping