Generated Narrative: ConceptMap elga-lebensmittelallergene-mapping
Mapping from ELGA_AllergyOrIntoleranceAgent to ELGA Lebensmittelallergene
Group 1 Mapping from SNOMED CT (Auszug) to ELGA-Lebensmittelallergene
Source Code | Relationship | Target Code |
105590001 (Substanzen) | (not mapped) | |
52454007 (Albumin) | (not mapped) | |
12503006 (Aluminium) | (not mapped) | |
256447001 (Amalgam) | (not mapped) | |
256303006 (Ambrosia-Pollen) | (not mapped) | |
228103005 (Antioxidantien in Lebensmitteln) | (not mapped) | |
735215001 (Apfel) | (not mapped) | |
735214002 (Aprikosen) | (not mapped) | |
11526002 (Aspartam) | (not mapped) | |
736031006 (Austern) | is subsumed by | EU0014 (Weichtiere) |
256307007 (Bananen) | (not mapped) | |
256260009 (Baum- und Strauchpollen) | (not mapped) | |
256305004 (Baumharze) | (not mapped) | |
89889006 (Baumwollfasern) | (not mapped) | |
256293000 (Beifuß-Pollen) | (not mapped) | |
288328004 (Bienengifte) | (not mapped) | |
53410008 (Bier) | is subsumed by | EU0001 (Glutenhaltiges Getreide) |
255640000 (Biozid (Desinfektionsmittel, Rattengifte, Holzschutzmittel)) | (not mapped) | |
256262001 (Birken-Pollen) | (not mapped) | |
412061001 (Blaubeeren) | (not mapped) | |
256292005 (Blumen- und Kräuterpollen) | (not mapped) | |
256354006 (Bohnen) | (not mapped) | |
11894001 (Botulinumtoxin (BTX)) | (not mapped) | |
21587009 (Brennnesseln) | (not mapped) | |
9021002 (Carbaryl-Insektizid) | (not mapped) | |
227493005 (Cashew-Kerne) | is subsumed by | EU0008 (Schalenfrüchte) |
119417004 (Chlorkohlenwasserstoff-Insektizide) | (not mapped) | |
116549003 (Chlorkohlenwasserstoff-Pestizide) | (not mapped) | |
111070004 (Chrom) | (not mapped) | |
59351004 (Citrate) | (not mapped) | |
227395004 (Curry (Gewürz)) | (not mapped) | |
387293003 (Dithranol) | (not mapped) | |
102263004 (Eier (verzehrbar)) | is subsumed by | EU0003 (Eier) |
256443002 (Eiklar) | is subsumed by | EU0003 (Eier) |
303300008 (Eiproteine (Ovomukoid, Ovalbumin)) | is subsumed by | EU0003 (Eier) |
65345002 (Epoxidharze) | (not mapped) | |
102261002 (Erdbeeren) | (not mapped) | |
762952008 (Erdnüsse) | is subsumed by | EU0005 (Erdnüsse) |
256261008 (Erlen-Pollen) | (not mapped) | |
12510000 (Eukalyptusöle) | (not mapped) | |
61789006 (Farbstoffe) | (not mapped) | |
256435007 (Federn) | (not mapped) | |
227425007 (Feigen) | (not mapped) | |
472731004 (Feigen-Pollen) | (not mapped) | |
735971005 (Fische) | is subsumed by | EU0004 (Fische) |
28647000 (Fleisch) | (not mapped) | |
735972003 (Flusskrebse) | is subsumed by | EU0002 (Krebstiere) |
111095003 (Formaldehyd) | (not mapped) | |
72511004 (Früchte) | (not mapped) | |
58202007 (Fruktose) | (not mapped) | |
43392006 (Gänsefüße) | (not mapped) | |
278840001 (Garnelen) | is subsumed by | EU0002 (Krebstiere) |
28230009 (Geflügel) | (not mapped) | |
418266005 (gelbe Vaseline) | (not mapped) | |
80259003 (Geschmacksverstärker in Lebensmitteln) | (not mapped) | |
23182003 (Getreide) | is subsumed by | EU0001 (Glutenhaltiges Getreide) |
260118006 (Glaskraut-Pollen) | (not mapped) | |
430503006 (Glutamat) | (not mapped) | |
89811004 (Gluten) | is subsumed by | EU0001 (Glutenhaltiges Getreide) |
2309006 (Gold) | (not mapped) | |
422304003 (Gräser (Süßgräser)) | (not mapped) | |
256277009 (Gras-Pollen) | (not mapped) | |
412145001 (Haarfärbemittel) | (not mapped) | |
418504009 (Hafer) | is subsumed by | EU0001 (Glutenhaltiges Getreide) |
256353000 (Haselnüsse) | is subsumed by | EU0008 (Schalenfrüchte) |
256263006 (Hasel-Pollen) | (not mapped) | |
128488006 (Hausstaub) | (not mapped) | |
406466009 (Hausstaub-Allergene) | (not mapped) | |
711093001 (Hausstaubmilben-Proteine) | (not mapped) | |
711322006 (Helminthen (Eingeweidewürmer)-Protein) | (not mapped) | |
227444000 (Himbeeren) | (not mapped) | |
14402002 (Holz) | (not mapped) | |
227313005 (Hülsenfrüchte) | (not mapped) | |
736162008 (Hummer) | is subsumed by | EU0002 (Krebstiere) |
260154005 (Hunde-Hautschuppen) | (not mapped) | |
227400003 (Ingwer) | (not mapped) | |
406470001 (Insekten-Allergene) | (not mapped) | |
280939008 (Insektengifte) | (not mapped) | |
260174003 (Kabeljaue) | is subsumed by | EU0004 (Fische) |
80237000 (Kakaobutter) | (not mapped) | |
14241002 (Kakerlaken) | (not mapped) | |
74774004 (Kälteurtikaria) | (not mapped) | |
88818001 (Kaninchen) | (not mapped) | |
412153009 (Kaninchen-Hautschuppen) | (not mapped) | |
256319004 (Karotten) | (not mapped) | |
735053000 (Kartoffeln) | (not mapped) | |
102264005 (Käse) | is subsumed by | EU0007 (Milch) |
260152009 (Katze-Hautschuppen) | (not mapped) | |
43230003 (Kautschuk) | (not mapped) | |
735248001 (Kirschen) | (not mapped) | |
260176001 (Kiwi) | (not mapped) | |
57126000 (Klebstoff) | (not mapped) | |
418920007 (Klebstoffe) | (not mapped) | |
735030001 (Knoblauch) | (not mapped) | |
54808007 (Kobalt) | (not mapped) | |
735211005 (Kokusnüsse) | (not mapped) | |
255840003 (Kolophonium) | (not mapped) | |
51386004 (Konservierungsmittel in Lebensmitteln) | (not mapped) | |
406473004 (Kontakt-Allergene) | (not mapped) | |
264331002 (Körner (Getreide, Pseudogetreide, Hülsenfrüchte, Sonnenblumen)) | is subsumed by | EU0001 (Glutenhaltiges Getreide) |
289122001 (Kosmetika) | (not mapped) | |
736159005 (Krabben) | is subsumed by | EU0002 (Krebstiere) |
227374009 (Kräuter und Gewürze) | (not mapped) | |
421133009 (Krustentiere) | is subsumed by | EU0002 (Krebstiere) |
264295007 (Kuhmilch-Proteine) | is subsumed by | EU0007 (Milch) |
66925006 (Kupfer) | (not mapped) | |
47703008 (Laktose) | is subsumed by | EU0007 (Milch) |
772245002 (Lanolin-Alkohol) | (not mapped) | |
111088007 (Latex) | (not mapped) | |
406465008 (Lebensmittel-Allergene) | (not mapped) | |
59533004 (Lebensmittel-Zusatzstoffe) | (not mapped) | |
19627002 (Leder) | (not mapped) | |
115664001 (Photoallergische Dermatitis) | (not mapped) | |
227430006 (Limetten) | (not mapped) | |
63876004 (Lupinen) | is subsumed by | EU0013 (Lupinen) |
412357001 (Mais) | (not mapped) | |
391737006 (Mandelöle) | is subsumed by | EU0008 (Schalenfrüchte) |
260179008 (Mango) | (not mapped) | |
256419000 (Maus-Epithelien) | (not mapped) | |
260156007 (Maus-Urin-Proteine) | (not mapped) | |
44027008 (Meeresfrüchte) | is subsumed by | EU0014 (Weichtiere) |
63766005 (Mehl) | is subsumed by | EU0001 (Glutenhaltiges Getreide) |
260177005 (Melonen) | (not mapped) | |
261243003 (Messing) | (not mapped) | |
2799001 (Methylbenzethoniumchlorid) | (not mapped) | |
70813002 (Milch) | is subsumed by | EU0007 (Milch) |
255667006 (Mineralöle (Paraffinöl, Petroleum, ?)) | (not mapped) | |
226760005 (Molkereiprodukte) | is subsumed by | EU0007 (Milch) |
115589000 (Monoethanolamin) | (not mapped) | |
736030007 (Muscheln (Venusmuschel, ?)) | is subsumed by | EU0014 (Weichtiere) |
77188000 (Muscheln (Miesmuschel, ...)) | is subsumed by | EU0014 (Weichtiere) |
735046009 (Muskatnüsse) | is subsumed by | EU0008 (Schalenfrüchte) |
412160003 (Nahtmaterial-Allergene) | (not mapped) | |
227389000 (Nelken) | (not mapped) | |
33396006 (Nickel) | (not mapped) | |
13577000 (Nüsse) | is subsumed by | EU0008 (Schalenfrüchte) |
230034002 (Nüsse und Ölsamen (Ölsaat)) | is subsumed by | EU0008 (Schalenfrüchte) |
735979007 (Oktopusse) | is subsumed by | EU0014 (Weichtiere) |
260126003 (Oliven-Pollen) | (not mapped) | |
406774009 (Omega-3-Fettsäuren aus Fisch) | is subsumed by | EU0004 (Fische) |
256306003 (Orangen) | (not mapped) | |
712720004 (Pappel-Pollen) | (not mapped) | |
227408005 (Paprika) | (not mapped) | |
734881000 (Paradeiser) | (not mapped) | |
418785009 (Parfum) | (not mapped) | |
410853002 (Perfluor Chemikalien) | (not mapped) | |
255842006 (Perubalsam) | (not mapped) | |
59545008 (Pestizide) | (not mapped) | |
412066006 (Pfeffer) | (not mapped) | |
256417003 (Pferde-Hautschuppen) | (not mapped) | |
735049002 (Pfirsich) | (not mapped) | |
116637007 (Pilz-Antigene (Einzellige Pilze)) | (not mapped) | |
735045008 (Pilze (Speise- und Giftpilze)) | (not mapped) | |
227511008 (Pinienkerne) | (not mapped) | |
227512001 (Pistazien) | is subsumed by | EU0008 (Schalenfrüchte) |
387398009 (Podophyllum Harze) | (not mapped) | |
256259004 (Pollen) | (not mapped) | |
256504004 (Polykarbonat (Zahnärztlicher Werkstoff)) | (not mapped) | |
83619009 (Polyvinylalkohol) | (not mapped) | |
255970007 (Propolis) | (not mapped) | |
311846002 (Pyrethroid-Insektizide) | (not mapped) | |
45262002 (Quecksilber) | (not mapped) | |
67324005 (Reis) | (not mapped) | |
260153004 (Rinder-Hautschuppen) | (not mapped) | |
412068007 (Roggen) | is subsumed by | EU0001 (Glutenhaltiges Getreide) |
226915003 (rotes Fleisch) | (not mapped) | |
264337003 (Samen) | (not mapped) | |
128489003 (Sand) | (not mapped) | |
726764009 (Saubohnen) | (not mapped) | |
735029006 (Schalentiere) | is subsumed by | EU0014 (Weichtiere) |
722071008 (Schimmelpilz-Antigene) | (not mapped) | |
15838006 (Schnecken) | is subsumed by | EU0014 (Weichtiere) |
102262009 (Schokolade) | (not mapped) | |
226934003 (Schweinefleisch) | (not mapped) | |
412156001 (Seide) | (not mapped) | |
14423008 (Selbstklebende Bandagen) | (not mapped) | |
256326004 (Sellerie) | is subsumed by | EU0009 (Sellerie) |
51905005 (Senf) | is subsumed by | EU0010 (Senf) |
260167008 (Sesam-Samen) | is subsumed by | EU0011 (Sesamsamen) |
41967008 (Silber) | (not mapped) | |
13652007 (Silikon) | (not mapped) | |
303314008 (Skorpiongifte) | (not mapped) | |
256355007 (Sojabohnen) | is subsumed by | EU0006 (Sojabohnen) |
7791007 (Sojaproteine) | is subsumed by | EU0006 (Sojabohnen) |
734846002 (Sperma) | (not mapped) | |
303315009 (Spinnengifte) | (not mapped) | |
227259009 (Spitzwegerich) | (not mapped) | |
33008008 (Staub) | (not mapped) | |
767406000 (Sulfite und Sulfitderivate) | (not mapped) | |
415710007 (Terpene) | (not mapped) | |
256245006 (Textilien) | (not mapped) | |
227144008 (Thunfische) | is subsumed by | EU0004 (Fische) |
406472009 (Tierepithelien) | (not mapped) | |
276310004 (Tierhaare) | (not mapped) | |
264287008 (Tier-Hautschuppen) | (not mapped) | |
735006003 (Kalmare) | is subsumed by | EU0014 (Weichtiere) |
38946001 (Tintenfische) | is subsumed by | EU0014 (Weichtiere) |
419604006 (Unkräuter-Pollen (Kamille, Chrysanthemen, Löwenzahn, Japanischer Hopfen, Lupine, Margerite, Raps)) | (not mapped) | |
412070003 (Vanille) | (not mapped) | |
256352005 (Walnüsse) | is subsumed by | EU0008 (Schalenfrüchte) |
419420009 (Wassermelonen) | (not mapped) | |
419633007 (weiße Vaseline) | (not mapped) | |
412071004 (Weizen) | is subsumed by | EU0001 (Glutenhaltiges Getreide) |
256440004 (Wespengifte) | (not mapped) | |
412161004 (Wolle) | (not mapped) | |
42416001 (Wollfett) | (not mapped) | |
59334006 (Zement) | (not mapped) | |
227388008 (Zimt) | (not mapped) | |
735340006 (Zitronen) | (not mapped) | |
102259006 (Zitrusfrüchte) | (not mapped) | |
735047000 (Zwiebeln) | (not mapped) | |
289949002 (Zypressen-Pollen) | (not mapped) |